European HTA database
The Accessus network's European HTA database is a comprehensive, Europe-wide database of HTA procedures to support preparation for EU HTA assessments and all European and local market access activities. With data curated by local experts, it provides a reliable, up-to-date overview of relevant HTA and P&R documents as available for each European country - your ideal starting point for PICO scoping.
Scope of the database
- Document database for HTA procedures from all key European markets
- Both national and EU HTA procedures
- Documents on clinical evidence assessment and P&R (e.g. benefit assessment resolutions, compararative therapy information, reimbursement recommendations / decisions)
- For all products authorized via centralized procedure (EMA)
- Up to date: monthly updates for coverage of the latest procedures
Key functionalities
- Web application - no installation required
- Quick search / search filters
- Full text searches
- Customized alerts
- And many more
Local expertise, common methodology
This central idea of the Accessus Health network also applies to the European HTA database:
The data are curated by local network partners possessing country-specific HTA expertise, following one common methodology.
Dr. Christof Ecker
Phone +49 (40) 41 33 081-13
Dr. Thomas Ecker
Phone +49 (40) 41 33 081-10
In close collaboration with EconMed - Partner in the Project